You tried to kill bourbon when he was low
cause you took 20 infamy from us while we were fishing
ok then lol
you also were killing me before i did that.
oh did i mention you targeted a specifically non pvp focused guild?
Waiting to see the words “skill issue”
if you’re gonna try and gank someone, gank suncry.
The Caven more like the Cavemen
Non pvp focused with 1k infamy go brrr
Doublerun more like man who openly supports racists
Skill issue tbh
We aren’t PVP focused… but we do massacre
Cakes, Massacre Cakes.
How about well all just drop it considering
- It’s just a Lego game. Not Fortnite.
- Pretty sure every single guild on the LB (Apart from Syndicate), literally jump innocents to get infamy so it’s basically Hypocrisy to say your the victim of a Gank while fishing.
- You guys complained so much that you wanted to pay Suncry to fight 2 people
- What about the other guilds that you jumped and lost hundreds of Infamy.
- using lego game as an argument is stupid in itself
- we dont gank people that fish
- we do what we want with our wom bobux
- we dont jump entire guilds, and we only kill once.
i was asleep the whole time but thats no way to act after losing a guild war son.
wasnt a guild war. was unprovoked gank
well i was asleep
just take the loss and go with your day
with all that infamy you probaly do the same thing
what happened up in here