The Control Curse User


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This art reminded me of something that I cannot clearly put out.

Nice art!

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thank uuuu alex : 3 i always appreciate ur comments lots they mean a lot to me

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:cold_sweat: thats my bad

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thank u!

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horsie : )

Never watched or read Chainsaw Man besides episode 1 but considering vitality could be the transformation of the body, or a mode triggered by pulling a weapon from quite literally the body, and there are curses which transform the body, couldn’t we, IDK, theoretically recreate Chainsaw Man in AO?

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i doubt we would be able to change our body so drastically, maybe with the transformation spell

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that just sounds like a recipe for wicked body horror

what is she doin…

its okay my booboo bear delicious gangalicious sweet sugar prince lesugarplum <3

wtf :fearful:

ayo ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

you flatter me too much… :flushed:

What… :fearful: :sob:


guys im scared

“Why is Iris at the door?”

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sets the entirety of Palo Town on fire