The Crazed Alchemist, Maddox (requested by DubiousLittleTyp0)

I had the right character and everything…
(screw you @dogs jk)



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nah, just got lucky enough to get on the forum just as you posted it

her name is maple silverthorn, magicless (warrior)

for personality ive always seen this character as kinda smug yet still able to be goofy and joke around and stuff, sorry im kinda bad at describing personalities since ive never been super huge into making oc’s and stuff in games before i tried with ao


Bigman ya got no idea how many ppl are seething rn.

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YOOOO this is FIRE (or poison I guess when you think about it)


Not a bad description, I can work with it. Thanks

Those effects just complete the piece :hugs:
Specially like the magic circle positioned right behind the axe.

You wanted a female?

Here’s corrina, my Wind mage who also has snow magic.

She’s very energetic but also sort of dumb, but it’s mostly because she hasn’t learned much better. Her body weight is also strangely pretty low, so she can fly through the air with her wind magic.

Would love to draw her but someone already beat you to it. You can still commission me though. For more details, head to the Arcane Odyssey Art Hub on discord and find my commission sheet, or message me on discord and I’ll respond if I’m not busy.


:nerd_face: :point_up_2:


You’re a girl?

I’m joking, I hope you could tell.

Guess I’m gonna have two maples under my belt after this


but what if i am :boss:

Females don’t exist.
If it is true then you don’t exist.

His insanity will not rival AWE

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how tf do yall even manage to catch these
you got your eyes glued to the screen? are you refreshing the home page every 2 seconds?

Dogs said they just happened to get on as I posted it