The craziest battle you've ever had

Me perf, and I think grelsh attacked this one group of people fishing, there was like 12

I got 7 player kills from just the first attack, pretty poggers

n-nAni *space space space

Battle of Lake Argestes. Cant be bothered to find the youtube link but it was a bunch of random people including me against Doge Nation. I think at the peak of the fight it was like a 10v10 barrage hell.

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So an all out gang guild war

Isn’t my screenshot but I was there, :pensive:


Oh yeah that was from one of the other large fights, those ones were fun but they kinda end up becoming ffa as alot of the people dont recognise their teammates names.

lol, add that to my list of suggestions that im gonna make. when i can

Ah yeah thats the one, that was the best part of the fight but unfortunately the rest of it wasnt recorded :frowning:

Teams (aka parties) are already planned sooo

;_; lol

well there was that time that i with random noble people streamed sniped to kill a streamer

or that time that a fire guy level 79 was killed by a level 45 crystal
or the level 80 lightning guy that was defeated by a level 40 crystal
they were really bad idk what they were doing the fire guy just used self explosion and the lightning guy just spammed beams that never hit

Probably beating a game mod in a 1v1. He used hacks to…

It was me vs a Bad rep who was harassing a Travelling Merchant next to me while fishing and hit me with a placed explosion, interrupting my fishing animation
He got my attention and I gave chase
after running for a bit he came across a group of bandits who he hid behind for safety, still firing shots at me
I was about 10 levels above him so I didn’t think it would be a hard fight
I was wrong.
I sustained a shit ton of damage from the 1 v 4 and managed to wipe out the bandits and wounded him enough for him to flee
I was at about 5% hp so I returned back to fishing after the encounter.


dang that is intense

this fight is actually spreading around the forums, wow. That was really fun ngl and I kinda wish doge king wasn’t banned so we could fight them more.

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Yes, a mod definitely used hacks


Lol it was a game mod. He one shot me one time, but I beat him in a fair battle after that.