The Dark Sea | Official Trailer & Main Theme

Tobiemoji_heart I’m glad you liked it!

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I’m so ready for my brig this update. I grinded all the galleons for it all by myself :sunglasses: (by charging galleons for drawings :sweat_smile:)

Dam, bro is prepared! You will def love the brig, it’s honestly amazing.


And @Tobi you’re a absolute W for this

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“We need to cook, the watermelons are gonna expire. Let’s take the ship out to the middle of the dark sea where the Navy won’t catch us and cook crystal until we run out of watermelons”

Eni-rizz-or is now an actual Rizz-ard. I can feel the rizz-dom from here. Rizzard_Tobi


Trailer so good that it got Poseidon feeling something

Tobi drops another goated trailer again!


Old man Enizor becomes more enlightned, finally…

Our people have once again cooked :fire_magic: good job team

Choose your weapon

Gnarly spear
Hopefully that’s a new club
Siren bow
Hot dagger

fire dagger. Time to roleplay Riley.

Only for you bestie

Truly an Arcane odyssey :fire:

Which is harder to find

  • A trailer which isn’t an absolute Tobi W
  • Who asked.
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Did you think that you were as hyped for the dark sea as you could possibly be? Nope, here’s Tobi and some of the testers with a trailer to show you just how much more excited you can get.

Tobi this trailer was awesome! Fantastic work bro!