The_elment's Whimsical Estate (Currently Closed)

The_elment's Whimsical Estate (Currently Closed)
convenience 5.0 10 fairness 5.0 10 trustworthiness 5.0 10
---Stock Update---
+1 clean sunken boots
+1 clean calvus chest
+1 swift calvus boots
+1 clean carina gi

-1 hard scroll
-1 amplified scroll
-1 bursting scroll
-1 atk size amulet

Game’s trolling me I’m catching the sunkens in ascending order in terms of value :sob:

At least we confirmed this fact ^^


How much would a full set of Calvus cost?

I’m not super interested in selling a calvus set for galleons, a FULL clean calvus set w triasta I’m assuming, I’d start wanting sunkens or seasonals for that or alternatively a lot of boss drops. DM me the items you’re willing to trade yes :+1:

cannon fist users:

Yep. Thing is I kinda pulled a USA and supplied my enemy, I was having beef with the guy cuz I attacked him enough to scare him to not grind w me on certain bosses and he would constantly run and log, then he pulled a devious move of killing me whilst I was afk at elius and then throwing cannonballs at my skyship when I was on the way back :skull:

He did get combat logged by whatever in the end so I got the last laugh

Major stock update

Major stock update 2


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Small Update
  • Added placeholder section for the 2023 Easter event
  • Beautified the shop a bit, pretty happy with how it turned out
    • attempted to make it more readable aswell; shortened certain sections so the shop is more compact too
  • Removed the “Cooking Service” section completely
    • Replaced it with a “Disatisfactory Customers” section under the “Contact & Other Info” tab instead. Since not only was it not very popular; it just isn’t worth for me to hop on simply for 350 galleons at my level & it made the shop look cluttered. And yes I purely added this because cloak is still trying to trade and act like nothing happened
  • Changed thumbnail to be logo instead of the sunken sword png
putting it here to use since I don't want it in my actual shop

I also wanted to add onto the fact that I do infact take galleons for most of my items except seasonals, sunkens, and unlikely to take galleons for calvus drops unless it is worthwhile. Also if you want any item that’s not listed here, DM me asking what you’d like specifically and what you’re offering and I’ll see what I can do, note that I won’t bother hopping on just for some junk item, yes…

^ Any feedback is appreciated

Apologies for the 200 bumps, I just kept getting ideas, this’ll be the last bump with no item updates for now

Major Stock Change


this was only 600 fish caught after the guaranteed sunken so I’m pretty happy

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what the fuck not even 30 minutes later

can u tell me what variant is the metal arcsphere?

No idea what variant it is honestly, I think it’s the metal variant if that exists, whatever metal looked like in WoM that’s what it looks like


Is that what it’s called now?? They did my bro metal dirty :sob: :sob:

thats the variant of metal it is

I know but iron is such a pussy metal, out of all the metals, iron??? Cmonnnn bro

titanium metal variant when

wtf hacker

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mmmmmm phhffffish :drooling_face: :fish:

dat (dog+ cat)

cog >>>

dat is a dutch word so dat>>>>> cog
ez claps