The Empires Update is coming out in a week or I'll give away my Sunken Warrior leggings

I want the sunken it’s the last piece I need to complete the sw set

if I win il give a si helmet for compensation

stop trying to bribe him to boost your odds >:(

also i had to say a specific thing apparently so im gonna just say it rn, I want Sunken

okay if you say so… (i want sunken)

I want sunken

neat, i want sunken

i would say i want sunken if there was even the slightest sliver of chance that it will come out in a week
sadly there is not

i want sunken

i want sunken!

i also respect instilling a gambling addiction inside every forumer for no reason (since i have to say something to enter: i want sunken)

and if we can give a bribe to increase our odds then ill give an acrimony as compensation (only if i get it ofc)

nah we should all host a potluck of sorts where we just throw in our most valuable thing and whoever wins gets it all

I want Sunken


I want Sunken

I want Sunken

I want sunken

Already confirmed in patreon it wort.

So i want that sunken :slight_smile:

i’m gonna need to see a source

I want sunken we all say in unision

( i want sunken)

[complete sentencec]

I want a sunken

This is just a give-away, the update is most likely coming after that date :/
(check between the colon forward slash if you want lol)

I want Sunken