The Empires Update is coming out in a week or I'll give away my Sunken Warrior leggings

Sunken Morock set

i just received divine intervention, if i dont get this sunken i’ll be cursed with aids :cry:

Aids Curse

i want sunken

I want Sunken

I want sunken

Update is NOT coming for another like 3 weeks at minimum

This would have been funny if it was he gives one away BUT if it does come out we have to give one, but they can’t change it now

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I want Sunken :speaking_head::fire:

I want sunken :boom::fire::fire:

I want sunken gimme that shit

I want Sunken

i want sunken

I want Sunken

i want sunken

I wish it was I really wanna do building :pensive:

Without there being any announcements on update release, it probably won’t be here so soon.
I want sunken

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Free sunkie??? (I want sunken)

From Morock?

mmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiin i want sunken

I want sunken