The Empires Update is coming out in a week or I'll give away my Sunken Warrior leggings

here you go

I’m underage :fearful:

I want to construct a bungalow

i’ll steal all your nails so your bungalow can never be held together

I want Sunken

I want sunken

Free sunken is free sunken

No they need to be polluted :rage:

I want sunken
(The rich get richer)

i want sunken

I want Sunken

I want sunken
(the poor get richer) (no seriously I am probably the poorest guy on the forums :sob:)


I think you’re cooked…

You really should’ve waited to make this post until after vetex starts the usual balance changes that he does a week before the update.

In other words, I want Sunken

I don’t want a sunken—I just want you to know you’re cooked.

I want sunken

Wanna know what else I want? Buffs for metal conjurer.

vetex let you down

I don’t usually show up in topics like these, but i guess it wouldn’t hurt to do so for the first time.


Throw the potential of, saving-future-me-some-work ™ into the void for the heck of it.

give me my sunken :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::smiling_imp:

Y’all too late it’s already August 2nd,
Also @3qu1Noxx , you shouldn’t include people who didn’t say “I want Sunken” completely correctly,down to the capital letters in the raffle, trust me itl be funne

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