The Eternal Garden: Messages from the Forums

I realise that as much as I love the forum, eventually I’ll have to turn my back on it and move on. Although it’s only a silly little Lego game place, it does hold importance to me as somewhere I will remember forever just for its charm, and the people who give it that charm.
(And the people who spam angry posts about game mechanics)

Since Sirius has recently anoned, and I’ve received news that Div probably won’t be using the forum as often anymore, it’s definitely made me think of everyone who’s left over the past however long or so,

I’m inviting everyone to leave a message here - whether they’re planning to leave tomorrow or to stay another few years. I’ll compile them into a list and then - I’m not sure. I considered putting them into a Roblox game to memorialise it, but I’ll probably need help if that would ever come to fruition.

So, tell us about yourself, tell the future of the forums, tell the very confused digital architect in 1000 years time when we’re just traces of data in a file.
What are you proud of, or not proud of?
What are your biggest accomplishments? Why do you use the forums?

(I’ll write something promise I just can’t be bothered yet)


JARK SEA UPDATE IS PEAK :speaking_head::fire::100:


im proud of killing calvus
im not proud of being shit at pvp
my biggest accomplishment is killing a magic council captain (im the alpha :joy: :pray:)
i use the forums because i want to yap

I’m not proud spending so much time on this game, the dark sea took part of my soul with it and I’ve never been the same since.
Anyways I’m gonna go hop on again now.

*To the fireflies, For the embers never die.*

I was a reader who wanted to complete my library of the forums. I wanted to create a place you could look back on and remember. Only time can tell if it were ever completed.


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I’m someone who has managed to stumble my way through the game to reach some fairly impressive things, mostly unintentional.
I got on the leaderboard when the game had been out for 2 days, despite the 70k other players, then did it again 2 more times when high renown pve was much less efficient.
I was the 155th person to get true captain.
I owned a golden tiger shark since the week that fishing was added, until the brewing update (and have since got another one)
I got bronze sea explorer 3 times on the same file (and by that I don’t mean 300% exploration, I mean literally 3 times. Title, then badge, then just a notification.)
I achieved the tankiest possible ship.

I’m also terrible at pvp.

I’m on the forums mainly because I like to discuss things regarding the game.
I can’t really think of a conclusion to this so I’m just ending it here.

For a depressed and apathetic fuck, this place made me smile, laugh and rage a lot, i love every single one of you (no homo), even the annoying ones, though its kinda sad, when i think of being happy this unfunny lego game forums will be one of the first things to pop up

Also, Abyss Sea is the best AU ever, fuck underfell/bad end friends and all that bullshit


I mean, I only found AO around June, and joined the forum mid July of 2023.

I’ll definitely be here for the next 5-6 years or so, even if everyone has left.

What am I most proud of? Finding the forum and its community, as well as my blogs.

Man as a long time lurker seeing these kinds of posts and familiar names stop showing up is sad :melting_face:

Anyway I don’t have many big accomplishments on the forums or in the game cause I am a pretty casual user of both. I joined a bit after WoM & the forums were first publicly released to keep up with updates to the game and with the AA webcomic. It was also during the beginning of the pandemic so it was nice having some interaction. And honestly even now I still use the forums for the same reasons, forever lurking

That I might be part of this community until the end
I’m proud I found and became part of it, so much inspiration and great people I’ve seen throughout the years, coming to where I am at right now

but like all words, all good things must come to an end

Like AO’s development and and soon the end of the story
where I started as well, from the beginning and possibly to the end of it, I go along with it if I can, go along with the game and it’s community to the end

i’m a nomad, i travel through random communities on this platform
but for as terrible as this community can be sometimes, idk i like that i found it. there aren’t enough games on roblox like this in my opinion, and it’s just cool that there are other people who share the same passion for things like this, even if they are a bit tryhardier or sweatier or enjoy killing other people more. vetex cooked ig and we eating

Arcane Adventures used to be one of my favourite games back when it still worked.
I maybe spent a little too long trying to get sunken items in WoM.
Arcane Odyssey is my favourite game on the entire platform since it released in early access.
I’ve spent a lot of time on these games but rarely interacted with the community until earlier last year, and I don’t regret a second.
I’ll probably be here for a while, so here’s my message for the future:

Remember to stay hydrated and drink your water.

If I ever do leave the forums, it’d be due to a huge personal issue or just me growing too old to care. And if that ever happens, just so you know that the closest forumers to me have a special engraved place in my heart and mind.

This place is special to me

Helped me go through tough times

And that’s something

neat magic game where you make your spells, turned me into a trello stalker

10 Years playing vetex games made you a fucking trello stalker

actually i only joined during wom’s 4th open test

Proud that I can say all the sunkens I have are ones i’ve fished up personally.

Biggest accomplishment is that the clan I’m high up in got onto leaderboards in early AO for the sole reason of making our leader wear a maid dress and say ‘slay queen’.

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Be grateful of the current state of the game in your time, ao was hella boring at the time of this message with the goofy basic tier magic, weapon and fighting styles. Despite all the boringness however, I still somehow ended up playing it a lot and got 1,875.8 hours on it.