The first epicenter explorers!

I’ve spent like 25 hours over the past 3 days looking for it :sob:

ive tested the NESW, as far as im aware, it isn’t the definite way to find epicentre.

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Even with Clearsight 5 I struggle to see well in the Dark Sea. Would it help to turn up my render distance in settings?

Yeah, it would, but that can also be an illusion. Your sight is further than you think but there are no landmarks so the edge of your vision blends with the fog.

Does the title make your player list name purple (post pics or statement is false :3)

Seriously crimson, you have a problem


I’d say it got wiped because people just fuckin shared server codes with epicenter found and gave specific directions to it and like 46 people got the epicenter badge per epicenter found


Icon too??? Damn


There’s 100% a new bug to get it since 210 people have gotten it today

cant wait for it to get deleted again ( love u vetex )

the bug is being told the general direction

Watch the next change be “it spawns when you enter the dark sea and it’s different for everyone who doesn’t enter within 10 seconds of each other while in a party”

honestly? im fine if he makes it harder to find, at least he wont delete the badge again
( surely, he wont right? )

cant wait til he put the damn in range V ( its lore accurate! )

its still ingame btw

I wish i could disable inbox spam everywhere

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