The Forum's Nemesis: Submissions Phase

He’s on my newest slot that I made today

Okay so I need more images then.
He is likely a merchant but could be a mafia, as that is the other outfit that can wear merchant coats.
Engineer does too but it’s replaced at a certain point

whens next phse? like coiller or boyle

give it another two days (or more) so everyone can submit their NPCs in time

I learned his patern of attack, and explosion+ash is :train2:

Ideally we need an NPC that

-has a stupid name
-either a really bad or insanely OP build
-has an insane personality
-has good drip

We are creating an artificial public enemy number 1

@Catean how many more people do you think we’re gonna get? The rival list seems pretty long already

I think its @LeMeepy icl

i think the ultimate sailor one is pretty good just because of the theme

time to get footage of my Crystal Poison Iron leg savant rival cmere (gets mauled by crystal and dies due to poison tick)

I mean, as of right now more than half the submissions are my NPCs still
we should wait at least a day or two more

Honestly my hardest rival is the light/poison mage on a berserker file
he has so much HP too, not fun to deal with

id submit my rivals but I hate both of them and I dont want anyone else to suffer with having em. (one is wind/wood paladin/mage and the other is a crystal shadow savant). also their drip is ASS

I demand a photo
honestly most NPCs look pretty good. From my memory only one NPC I recall was truly unpleasant appearance-wise


When should I open the voting phase for selecting which rival should be the nemesis of the forums
  • Tomorrow (Saturday)
  • Sunday
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
0 voters


Looks like the poll is tied between today and sunday, I’ll give submissions a few more hours in case anyone else wants to get their NPCs in


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