The Gamma Commander, Caitlin Crown (Requested by CaptainTetragon)


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why the fuck are you like this?


Be happy its not male

he is looking respectfully

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Why are y’all simping so hard for her :sob:

I mean I’m not but there must be some really strange people you’ve lured here.

I have 1 theory why this happends YOUR DRAWING SKILLS ARE TOO GOOD and because of that you have passive ability to summon at least 1 simp whenever you post so good art

Forumers are fucking weird bro.
Like every female character ever posted to the Art category gets some amount of simps that make people who are publicly horny look like chaste people.

And it drowns out normal people just saying “Looks good. Nice character.”


I guess this all started from Iris fan art

No, blame this one person named like “Nekosama” or whatever (now permabanned for a VERY BAD thing they said), and the…

Bella Graves Incident…

It’s… Turned people into maniacs…

Something changed since those incidents. The people became ravenous.
Likely because there’s basically none of the “Oldguard” of the forums left.

Is it one of those things we should let disappear into the dark parts of the past?

All I’m gonna say is, if you wanna see the origins of this hornyposting… Ask around for information about it. Search for it yourself.
I refuse to speak upon it here.

I’m sure somebody in Vetcord general will tell you.

Guess I wanna sleep like normal person without that knowledge

Well, I’m just glad no one hates my art :sweat_smile:

Oh, nobody hates the art here.
You just gotta deal with freaks.

we learn from history and thus we should not forget or someone else will do it again.

I’m going to join your game, take your poster and do something with it.

I thought it would be the other way around cause it is Navy but wtf its attracting in so many people bruh :sob:

Oh yeah forgot to mention, Caitlin is part vastus is around 7’5 or 225 cm tall.

ok the cake comment got me cracked up tho ngl