The Gilding System - Preventing power creep

The Gilding System - Preventing power creep
effort 4.916666666666667 12 quality 4.666666666666667 12 reasonability 3.545454545454545 11

im not sure i see the reasoning behind this
i aint readint allat, i stopped at the list of unique skills. from skimming through it, the unique attributes of gilding seem super op for no reason

Perhaps this could work for boss weapons so they stay relevant in much later levels, since they tend to have unique attacks and effects, but I dont see the point in adding special effects. To me what matters are their stats and keeping them relevant to keep players happy with their favorite weapons.

How about allowing us to transfer certain weapon skills onto others?

I like this idea, it will make sure that my rare things don’t become useless everytime the story or meta changes. I’m not a huge fan of the stuff you have to go through to gild something though. I have to find a rare item, then 3 gems, and then a certain NPC? All on top of actually having the weapon in the first place? Not a huge fan, especially since I think that Warriors have the most grind out of any class (3 weapons to grind for, magic and fs builds have optional scrolls and its only 1).

Also, this suggestion would require a lot of effort. Your idea includes adding a unique effect to every rare or otherwise unique weapon and reworking an ability on every one of those. That is a lot of work, especially when you include balancing it (since you don’t want to put in the effort to add cool effects only for it to suck). Don’t get me wrong, it would be really cool and good to give gilded weapons more than a stat buff, but it’s a lot of work. Some of the specific suggested changes are kind of weird though, like why does the Kai saber get a low hp mechanic? But it’s still pretty cool though.

Seems very interesting and fun, the only thing i didn’t really like was the rework on the vermillion bracelet, that would make flare magic conjurers (yay lost magic… oh god it takes 300 points in magic) feel useless, since you could just go fire conjurer and have double the effect, other than that it sounds like something viable, would take a whole year to put into the game? would. but sounds worth it, as an endgame mechanic for when the whole game or at least the main story is done, and as you stated, it is not like vetex never did some stupidly big projects before, and it would make me not want to kill my self every time i have to farm 300 hours for a armor or weapon

bro selling the gemstones are wayyy less worth than trading/hoarding
why would i spend hours searching for a onyx gem by breaking the rock if they only sell of 80 galleons while i can get way more by hunting a weak pirate sailboat along with nice ship stuff?

Gem crafting is gonna be added? I mean yeah if u ignore the main point of gems they’re pretty useless

i thought gems owuld only have a usuage later when more of the content is released, but do they have a use NOW?

no but just save them for later

This sounds like a really cool way to favorite a piece of gear or a weapon (albeit costly) WITH buffs for them, which I am all for. The buffs themselves need a lot of thought, but other than that, great idea.


I’ll admit, this is a cool idea. Though I’m not entirely sure about how this would keep the meta from being stagnant. More weapons and gear will come out, that’s certain. And the complicated and rare process might just keep people from doing it in the first place, as you could just grind for a new weapon rather than trying to find a leaf. Though that will heavily depend on the odds that you will find one.

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