The Guild tierlist by me

Idk about u put pretty good hah

…still going


and its probably gonna stay going for a little while



oMg IS tHAt fuNn3 iNTeRnET skEl3ToN I sEE?!?!

i dunno is it? it’s kinda small…

After 400 no 500 seconds of research as well as google assistance I have come to the conclusion that yes, that is funne internet skeleton.

Oh…so i guess it was funni internet skeleman


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this thread is just omega in ‘Who?’ tier

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First time?

Those two in the ‘who’ tier are The Church of Yelling at Puppies and Omega

I recognize all except the one in amazing guild I assume it’s syndicate this whole tierlist is fucking skill issue rahyan put some random fucking guilds no one knows and called it a day

Yeah, it’s creed, I believe it’s visan’s new guild.

Cries in Who?

Tf did salvatore mortale do to u

everyone shut up
i have made a tier list