The "Human Cannonball" Siege Weapon

The "Human Cannonball" Siege Weapon
effort 4.8125 16 quality 5.0 16 reasonability 4.764705882352941 17

What if, get this, it was cannon fist but you threw a player?

That kinda crosses the realm of sea curses, not sure if Vetex would take that direction

Friendly Throw beserkers when their attacks from Pathfinder have been stolen:

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“Player shot”
Hold q on a player to pick them up (has whirlpool-like escape mechanics)
Then you just throw them (either at a npc or the nearest floor/wall)

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If in a Party with the player: The player can take your hand, allowing you to effectively throw them as a weapon - dealing additional damage based on the more synchronized attack. Can include more AoE based on chosen skill of the human throw.

what if instead of players shooting cannonballs, they shot cannons?

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Well, that’d be a good idea too. If we had metaphysics on our side.

We don’t quite have a “metaphysics” understanding in the game, nor any understanding of the concept of animation through magic itself - which would also have to blow up into a new magic type.

and what if those canons shoot mortars, which in turn shoots players?

now you’re talking

Again, animation magic. Vetex better add that immediately.

i imagine the enchants could go something like:

Warship: way more velocity while flying, letting you go much farther both vertically and horizontally, but it slows your ship down even more than default and you take more damage when you land because of your speed

Strong: you do more damage to your surroundings and to players when you land, maybe launching them further away from the impact, higher tiers could raise the damage done and let you recover faster from the landing stun, maybe even wiping out low level npc ships with one well-aimed shot

Swift: less cooldown to shoot the cannon and you recover faster from the landing, lets you be launched farther horizontally for more distance, but lowers your vertical reach, i imagine higher tiers could launch you to another island lol

Amplified: allows you to go significantly further vertically, but lowers horizontal velocity, maybe at higher tiers you can climb those dark sea spires without breaking a sweat, or even going to sky islands from the sea. i imagine that, with such a big vertical reach, if you land back down the landing could have a significantly bigger AOE/damage, but hurt you more too

Hard: makes you take less damage when landing, maybe higher tiers let you take no damage at all. not sure what else to add to it

also, maybe if you shoot yourself out of the cannon you can do something similar to that sea of thieves clip, but if you just enter it, the person steering the ship/aiming the cannon can shoot you with the regular mortar UI


W idea. I could see this being fun as hell for clan fights too. Imagine launching a bunch of people at a clan base.

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the Hard enchantment could have high destruction, making it ideal for destroying built structures when those get added. It could also maybe give you damage resistance while your being launched so you’re harder to shoot out of the sky?

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lmao anti-air seige weapons

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What about that one size enchantment? Unless you already mentioned it.

I mean, I feel like they’d have to be a thing right? Otherwise you could just shoot people into the base ignoring all their defenses lol

oh yea bursting i forgot, for that one idk what else to add to it other than a bigger AOE when you land

YES PLEASE THIS SOUNDS GENUINELY SO FUN! Especially with friends lol.

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