The lvl cap raise for Nimbus sea part 1

who knows maybe it’ll change lol vetex tends to change his mind on a lot of things like for example he said that there will be no flight in ao but now they’re confirmed to be added eventually sooooo

*flight spells

wasn’t it a ‘‘probably’’

132 is truly stupid…

flight spells should bne like, takes no lil to no energy out of combat but in combat takes 2x longer to charge and takes 2x energy to use and is also slower

i heard that the cooldown for them will be like 10 minutes lol

Just bump it up to 135 I swear
If this shit gets added and it’s 132 I’m not playing

Flight spells when they are initially unlocked in WOM are pretty bad.
I am not sure what was Vetex worried about, unless at higher levels it could outclass ships, probably would’ve been possibe with high agility.

They don’t even work until higher level


true, they take away too much magic energy when they are initially unlocked to even travel.
So…not even sure what was Vetex even worried about in the first place.

I mean who even cares about that the spell is fun and all + i think it would be rare/ valued enough for not everyone to have it imagine just flying over the seas with flight just like warren does and with like the ao animations not the wom weird ones

i find it so funny how everyone is ripping their hair out and throwing tantrums because “OMG!!! the level cap is 132!!! what the fuck vetex!!!” like bro it’s not that serious why tf are you genuinely getting angry over numbers lmao if it’s such a problem go touch grass and wait till the next update raises it higher istg

That’s literally what I said I’d do

epic best of luck to you

he meant not having a number of skill points that ends in ‘0’ buddy
its annoying
usually people like neatness, but you seem like you dont

the dickriding is absolutely cantankerous right now

we want 135 and there’s nothing wrong with that, 132 is a rather strange number to end on and most people aren’t used to it, not to mention that you lose like 6 stat points that could really help out certain hybrid builds.

(also adding 3 levels worth of exp seriously can’t be that catastrophic to progression flow :skull: you have to be a bit delusional to think otherwise)

literally who gives 2 shits. the level cap is gonna raise anyway. who cares if it doesn’t look pretty

literally who cares LMFAOOOOOO go outside. its vetex’s game he doesn’t give a fuck if you don’t like that it’s not “neat” or whatever

if you’re genuinely upset because the level cap doesn’t end in a 5 or a 0 and you’re throwing a tantrum i hate to break it to you but you need to lay off ao for a bit and go outside because getting genuinely pissed off and spouting stupid bs just makes you look like a complete moron

Also i forgot to repeat myself for the 20th time but the level cap will RAISE ANYWAY so it’s not “ending off” or whatever just be patient. The level cap depends on the story not on “WAAA WAA my stats!!!”