The most pogger usrs on the forums

They will

The mods are far,


smarter than you are

Iā€™m even more pogger as I have recently been replied to by our lord and savior, Vetex :sunglasses:

I shall be based when flare returns :cold_face:

1 Like

fax :raised_hand: :frsleepin: :ok_hand:

return already :pensive:

On 11/11/21 I will return :nod:

Is aetheralflame or flare more likely to win NNN

flare :fr:

deeez nuuts

Not every mod.
In this forum they are way smarter than I am of course.
Moderators of Roblox: some are dumber than an insect

whats 9 + 10

Answer this then



If you mean that 9 is a meme like 69, idk what is it a meme


Could you tell me who Joe is in a overly long paragraph? It would help as Joe is already dead and rolling in his grave as to why no one knows him

Damn it truly is something that next to nobody knows me Lmao

what is 53 + (0 x 0)

53/(0x0) = 0
