The negatives of the guilds and the hub

you live in spain but you think virgin worm cheese is a insult?

i was born i nspain and speak spanish that shit still makes nos ence


seems like it helped a lot

Is mostly just me arguing with you, because derp just comes here from time to time to laugh about you.
Also we did not raided you 3 times. How 4 people joining with 10 to 20 minutes of difference counts as a raid? Like hell I even just left 2 messages.

the amount of people doing it doesn’t matter, the scale of it is what matter your imbecile

you litteraly admited to neko spaming furrys in general and if a group of 5 people join a server entirly to spam its general and attack the members with insults (i think you guys tried to its hard to tell with you guys) person it is a raid

just want to include this incredibly low quality png along with the fact that they said the n word multiple times, oh yeah fish learn better spelling and better grammar and learn a word to end your sentences with that isn’t retard
oh yeah and about the raid, it wasn’t even a raid it was just me dumping a few furry images since fish has a stroke whenever he sees something vaguely furry, and only i did that, everyone else just joined to look at how stupid your actions are

you covered general with furrys to the point you had to scroll up for 2 secconds to escape it
2: im not geko and no proof for nword
3: you made a entire essay and failed to put any grammar but commas in it
4: dont admit to breaking discord tos brainlet

and if you really want i can give unedited proof of someone saying the n word

ok do it

there you go, happy now, should also say we deleted most of the messages because we didn’t want our chat to be filled with the n word

that would be proof if your rules where normal to any extent. to bad your own rules say you need 4 nwords for a ban

i guess they dont count when the person your baning hurted your feelings

Anyone else looking at these replies that came here just for an entertaining argument?
I forgot my popcorn at home, help.

this isn’t even entertaining anymore now it’s just agonizing and pitiful

istg this argument would of died if neko and random templar members stoped responding at 3am to avoid h bullying htem

just looking at the comments in the thread
i’ve realised
all of the people who have told me:
"oH bUt MaN gUiLdS aRenT tHaT bAd"
have been fucking lying to me this entire time

anybody who tries to pull that on me a second time and genuinely means it should go get eye surgery
fuck off

oh but man guilds really aren’t that bad, who told you that

they were lying to you, guilds are pretty fun and involving

The Guild Hub is worse than the fake news media.


no they fucking aren’t go away

I politely disagree :rainbow::innocent::rainbow::cookie::deer::ram::four_leaf_clover::earth_asia::sparkles: