The (Not) Official PvP Thread of the Forums!

I haven’t PvPed in a while so I should prolly get back into the game or something.

:0 Oh hey I’m on there!

Guys if you kill catheryn pail my file in a gank team you get 5 acrimonies

you are now our squad’s next target :dart:

Gl hunting me :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:
Estimated time is 3 hours of chasing

agility demon build?

The build is as fast as a buggy ball going down a slope (unoptimized agility build)

how much agility

I can blame my skill issue on lag now

ahh, my gilded slowness 5 gel technique, haven’t used that since the heian era

I remember the last time somebody did that
poor gel

Yuh, if you want best ping Dallas servers work best for me

we should try to keep this thread alive like arcane oddities, so that people don’t have to make a new one every time hey want to PvP.

so necrobump if it gets dead chat!

who up arcaning they odyssey (anyone pvp?)

I might, but im unsure if I can

so you can or can’t

I tried but its too late :((

aka i cannot

ahh, the leave before they find me technique, haven’t seen that used since the heian era

gamer battle gamer battle GAMER BATTLE!!!