The (Not) Official PvP Thread of the Forums!

Alright thanks.

Hello, sorry but I’d have to cancel our pvp appointment due to unexpected uni stuff

If it’s possible would you like to move it to around 17:00 UTC Feb 3rd instead?

That is too late for me sadly. Are you available Feb 4th or next week?

Unfortunately, Feb 4th is out of the question for me, but I should be ok with any day aside from that specific date. I prefer the 16:00 - 23:00 time frame if I’m going to be pvping off-region, but I’m free the entire Friday 7th and most of the weekend

If you’re unavailable this week, we can work out a schedule next week. I’m not particularly interested in AO atm but I wouldn’t say no to a fun derust session

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Alright, I’ll see what timeframe I will be available next week and we can work it out from there.

dang yall are scheduling pvp like ur scheduling a doctor’s appointment :pensive:
what different regions does to mfs

i might join in depending on how bored i feel just to have a look at the new balance changes


It’s a habit I started picking up after my week-long luck event :blush: I get ptsd whenever someone’s a different region from me

But anyways, glad to see you still hold out hope for the game

the only hope i have is in moochezz

might be time for a temp pvp arc
aos just gettin a bit too peaceful
