The Origin of Your Username

It’s really not that complicated for me, Cryo is just a prefix meaning “cold”. If you go with my full name, King Cryonical or just Cryonical, it’s really just Cryo but sounds cooler. Maybe I subconsciously mixed it with “chronicle” or something, but I just thought it sounded epic.

Also it was a struggle to find a name like that wasn’t already taken. :fr:

We don’t talk about my previous usernames (Just kidding im gonna)

My first username when I joined Roblox was ShadowNova_560, which I had for a while and ended up changing at some point.

My next name was AlphaFrostShadowWolf, which I had for a very long time. Looking back on this name, it’s edgy in a way that screams “5 year old”. I only realized that a few months ago, for some reason when the forum pointed it out.

My shortest lived username, Frostimistry, was definitely a step up, but for some reason I wasn’t happy with it so I changed to my current username.

I actually remember the color all of my usernames were in chat too. ShadowNova_560 was green, Alpha was red, Frostimistry was yellow, and my current name is blue, which I like a lot.


Simple since 2017 my main wings of fire OC was a sea dragon named Shell. So I took the name for sea dragon and the OC’s name and woosh “Shellseawing”. Been using it since. Also most websites don’t have the name taken.

Of course I prefer going by “Shell” since its shorter and seawing is a title.

I just stole the name of a boss in world of warcraft lmao

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My username is pretty old, i created it when i was a kid and wanted be a youtuber(cringe)
I wanted something unique and i created this
sadly people that talk my language spells it wrong and people who talk english cant even talk it

This is true.

(random name) + 123 + (random word)

later shortened it to (already established random word)

Forum: Broly is my favorite character of my favorite anime

Roblox: TheOuterversal is simply the edgiest name I could think of, and I went with it

Oh I have no idea whatsoever where my name came from.
a single.

your name

maybe its something related to rayman

Carrot is my real name


I have a couple, I’ll list them starting with the earliest

Old Usernames

squaffle2 - s(??) quaffles, like from Harry Potter. Unfortunately squaffle was taken, so I just added the 2. I was 7 years old when I made this username lmfao.

DatCoalDuck - “that cool duck,” me and my best friend were making plans to become huge famous Minecraft YouTubers. I was 9 at the time.

ElementalDuo - My current Roblox username, I liked the edgy fire and ice gimmick a lot. Evidently I was just very bad at phrasing things. I was 10 years old.

iMathGeek - My old Minecraft username, I was about 10 when I had this. I used to really like math a lot. I changed it because someone came up to me in a hypixel lobby and said I wasn’t a real math geek cause I couldn’t do calculus, that shit wrecked 10 year old me you have no idea.

DuallyElemental - I went by this for a while, it’s the same as the above but like slightly better phrased. I made a lot of Minecraft wallpapers under this name, if you search it up you might be able to find a couple. I used this when I was 10-12.

PitchedPercissionist/2ndPercussionist - so when I was 12, I underwent a pretty big shift in my personality, perspectives, environment, etc. This is when I started to realize how much I loved music, and at the time it was due to band in school. Our bands were small and we weren’t tightly knit or anything, but there were only 2 drummers. I always ended up taking the melodic percussion instruments for our songs, hence the name “PitchedPercissionist.” I changed it to 2ndPercussionist soon after because y’know, PP haha pp funny haha haha.

Extro - Short for “Extrovert,” I like to talk to people and I think I’m pretty friendly with everyone. I quite like this to be honest, it’s short n sweet, rolls off the tongue real nicely, makes an impact, and reflects how I’ve grown over the years ehehe.

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@Extro this you?

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that really is me

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finding forumer on another website moment

My og account got hacked (or I forgot the password) in 2019 or so, so I stopped playing roblox for 6 or so months, started playing on my brother’s account. Which was named boxguy9875, then 6 months LATER I made mrnormalbox.

I still visit that place sometimes, but most of the people I used to talk to there have moved on to bigger horizons. And now I have too ehe

nice :ok_hand:

well uh…
i was a fan of short username that started with an unusual letter and didnt mean anything
combined random syllables, koo is somewhat derived from coo the bird from kirby games (not that i really like him, its just that i remembered the name)

i first thought of that username for my first roblox alt, but that was kinda dumb since i had to use Wapink00 months later when i changed my main’s username

i believed i made it around january 2018

in the end, its not even short and ive removed the koo from roblox and discord. i might have abbreviated to wap if rap didnt ruin it