The sentinel walks again

Platinums law people

I made it up on the spot but it’s surprisingly accurate


I’m just doing it out of spite fr

That’s what they all say

O sorrow, I have ended, you see, by respecting you, because I am certain you will never leave me. Ah, I realize it: your beauty lies in the force of your being.

Because I know that on the day of my final agony, you will be there, lying in my sheets, O sorrow, so that you might once again attempt to enter my heart.

This might be karma for my last big art post I made… :grimacing:

This calls for a series Typ, you must now fursona-fy everyone on the forums :pensive:

Cant wait for fartman and mine, letterpfpsona

Why are there 105 replies in this thread :sob: Cool art typo! I like the simple circular smoke particles :+1:


Mr_hyperspace and Stocksounds were here.

I still wonder up to this day why they don’t use messages instead of replies…

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Hey it’s not my fault this time! This was entirely stocksounds and platinum

You made Platinum google what a protogen is.

might’ve been my fault too since i said googling protogens wouldn’t be bad

I literally said not to

Please don’t start this

In other news, I found a fucking deepwoken protogen

I’m not showing y’all though since it used lft (ew)

might be too late because I was actually planning to make a character for @flayire in the near future :sob:

(they wanted a shapeshifter character that used a Prisma ability to do such so I decided to make it for them)

like, an art, or someone’s avatar in game?

Art, more interestingly it was actually on r/protogen, implying there’s enough overlap for someone on the deepwoken wiki to be recommended it