The statue in ironport

The More You Know


I think if you destroy that statue (which would need the entire server for to both hit it) you would actually see his skeleton and realize he was actually a dog.

Pictures please
20 characters

I can’t because it happened once in a blue moon when everyone in the server simultaneously hit the statue.

K then
Twenty characters

Top 10 Ultimate Hide and Seek matches

I destroyed the statue in 2 hits with a fire beam though?

this jumbo guy has been misinforming on other posts dont be surprised

Someone told me to reveal the skeleton everyone has to either be there or shoot at it. This person did get banned for stealing accounts, so who knows.

Interesting fact: Oscar Salore was the mayor of Altavista from AA. He moved everyone to Dawn’s Refuge to protect from Sage’s takeover of Altavista.


Was he one of the leaders that were mentioned in the lore?
The ones that brought people to Magius?

He must have been. Oscar was a little old in AA, so he must’ve been one of the first people to bring people to Magius. It wasn’t long after AA that the Peacekeeper created Magius. He’s not directly mentioned in the lore, but he was in AA, and the dialogue in game directly states that he found Ironport. So, he must’ve been alive to do that.

dont you understand how jokes work?