The time is near

AO will release in 1x days, x being the day its released

Game is releasing on 2nd February the 2st

everything is pretty much done though i dont see why it cant release this weekend

cause lost spells, closed testing, and other stuff

fixing bugs!!! :DDDDDd

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im pretty sure lost stuff is gonna be included in a later update

pretty sure there’s atleast gonna be 1 for each type still

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He might be able to do one lost spell and technique.
Although I’d argue the timing is tight, the singular lost spell would take care of most of these and provides the code for later spells/techniques.

i would personally rather have none than only one.

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Interesting take

idk i feel like it’d be boring to only have one. and i feel like getting multiple/the whole system in an update would feel pretty cool, and give me moreso a feeling of: “yooo crazy update, completly new mechanic” instead of just: “ok cool some more lost spells”.

It’s not even going to be a “crazy update” it’s going to be more of a “yooo we got more lost spells!” or “we finally got lost spells!”

yeah to you, not the thousands of other characters not actively watching development

Hey guys this game looks like it’s done…like it just need bug fixes than release. Anyone else think it might be released on one of the coming weekdays

No he wont?

I’m either guessing wednesday or friday depending on how much bugs he can kill.

Why’d you ask that like a question

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