This is no joke the worse video created

yeah im new, not fat fish though, you can ask a mod or someone to check

sounds like you’re fat_fishe but you used a VPN to come back.
too fast for me not to be suspicious.

it’d be weird if I asked Meta to come and check you out again though, since i’m sure he’s busy. :man_shrugging:


hes was just a asshole to everyone, let me get some stuff he said.

aint even gonna bother with a forum users retarded ass shit lol

naw bro he was a king ong!

Just because someone is wary of your suspicious actions, plus you’re biased towards a banned individual who just made an alt, doesn’t mean they’re stupid. Infact, it’s quite reasonable to think in this manner.

weird reaction to a very valid point about how suspicious it is that you joined literally minutes before he was banned.

either that or you’re someone who was here, saw fat_fishe trollin, and decided to dip their fingers in it. it’s all the same to me tbh.

yooo this dude got more than 50 iq wtffff


what the hell did i miss there

Fat Fishe made an alt, got banned, and now another suspicious new individual is here. Probably a trolling alt.

It degraded immensely when you posted this

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We were all degraded since the start, as well. Fat Fishe was wrong since we have hit the rock bottom of degraded-ness as soon as we joined this nexus of torture. Rookie move, Fat Fishe.

This is pretty much how i imagined the post after the video

You’re also biased against a banned individual who just made an alt, doesn’t matter.

How many vpns do you have???


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lmao the random zoom-in on the lion

I was thinking about that too but I couldn’t find it :rofl:
