This video game known as "Arcane Odyssey" is amazing 😊

I want a refund …

you really have to practice throwing things
they are literally standing 2 metres away from you

my mouse was aimed down but my character decided to throw it to the starving children in the Democratic Republic of The Congo

ion see how this is my fault…

all I can say is
skill issue


Now see me personally I would not let this slide

rule of thumb, never rely on ship collision when it comes to potions
always try to find an island (this exact thing happened to me)

To be fair, they would definitely benefit from some luck.

FUCK those kids I WANT MY FUCKING LEGENDARY SCALES :rage: :rage: :rage: I COULD CARE LESS ABOUT SOME STUPID STARVING AFRICAN FAMILY :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage: :rage:


the fishing while sailing update and its consequences

i got disconnected with luck 4 at 25 mins left again :fire:

I saw you’re fishing with another player. Does aura potion affect multiple people? I tested it out with a potion made from cloud extract and the pulsing effect seems to only affect one player, idk if it’s the same with dark sea essentia ones

I tried this and lost 2 luck bursting potions (thankfully it is only luck 3). If you want to throw a potion throw it down to the deck of your ship, not the captain’s cabin or above it.

So aura potions are a bit weird and buggy, as far as I know I THINK the potion is intended to only hit the original thrower of it if they’re in the cloud or everyone else (no limit to this I believe) in the cloud so long as the thrower isnt there

However when I threw a couple luck auras at me and one other buddy at first it only hit either me and him but after I went out of it and back in a bit I noticed both times it was hitting both of us, but when I only stayed in it without leaving the range it only hit me so idk

tl;dr they are able to hit several people but i dont think its intentionally able to hit both the og thrower and anyone else; only one or the other/or its supposed to always hit both(?)

yea that would be wiser but I’d honestly just prefer finding some island and doing it on a corner/wall there

the first hit was from the potion bottle’s shatering impact, it works the same as burst potions, it’s the reason why it can affect multiple people at once. But after that, yeah it’s weird af

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