I don’t give a fuck I put spared Ellius so I could bully him later in the Story until he joins my crew
Being a mage myself, i tbh dont see a problem with them wanting to find limit of a magic
Vetex has already said the storyline is “neutral” so we aren’t goody two shoes, I believe that the protagonist’s story is just basically “the ends justify the means”
I mean… Poseidon was wrong about protagonist + we are not better than the Order.
What did he say that was specifically wrong? I only remember him saying that we were a part of a legacy and we’ll do great things (great does not always mean good).
Also that Order thought is just wrong, this scenario of killing somebodies child happens with ANY kill. Guess how many people the Order have killed compared to us?
Idk, its hard for me to call “Justice” killing someone’s daughter and son…
So you want the protagonist to not kill at all? You do realise anybody is somebody’s daughter or son?
We already killed King and Agros
“justice” could also mean revenge against the order for whatever nonsense they did with us, morden and tucker
Justice is an idea propagated by power
We’re stronger
to be fair he would’ve died probably way more painfully had we not killed him, same with carina. The order kills ppl who fail their missions and likely would’ve made it more painful
welp I guess Rayco made them suffer more indirectly
Poseidon was not innocent himself.
None of the gods were, ESPECIALLY not Prometheus.
He was so power hungry that he killed Zeus to take the throne, introduced magic to humanity to increase his own power, and only when Arthur amassed insane amounts of power was he finally put in his place.
Just because they are gods doesent mean they cant do wrong.
Poseidon was good wdym, Prometheus wasn’t and neither were most gods but Poseidon was chill
eh he was a bitch fighting anyways
well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my actions
yeah i wish you had the option to kill revon tbh
considering that he may end up being an order baron (maybe even high lord) in a later see that wouldn’t work
according to her own words, she died
unless someone came over and save her, which is unlikely since her father havent heard of her since