Tobi gets banned

yeah the forums are really buggy rn it was happening to someone else and it’ll randomly happen to me and fix itself later

fun fact: cu trasnlated to portuguese is ass

isn’t ghost artist like some braindead reddit mod that gets offended the second people talk about anything that isn’t wom

apparently he got triggered over some dudes talking about racing or something

and don’t worry tobi the server is garbage anyway so you won’t be missing out on anything at all


bitches fr introducing personal issues as reasons to mute someone

can’t make this shit up



wtf they aint banned


Dear Lord…

Too relatable. Vetex discord becoming more and more kid friendly each day.

Wish I could make such comics like you. But no drawing tablet moment :frcryin:

let the retards be retarded, at least they’re keeping most of these dumbfucks no-lifing mee6 levels instead of spreading their vile essence on the forum

I wish that happened but more and more of those “dumbfucks” come on the forum because the general chat dies a lot(same problem as forum being dead rn) so most braindeads are migrating here.

guess this comic is pretty accurate then huh

Ah ok, I am glad it’s not just me. Thxs.

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This evidence is juicy. :sunglasses:

I actually don’t have a drawing tablet. I use a mouse. :sweat_smile:

Another one who uses mouse? What kind of atrocious artist is this!

Nah jk

LittleShrek used a mouse for her comic before using a tablet. Mouse gang rise up! :triumph: :raised_hand:

can’t relate, tho my laptop has a second monitor where the keypad is and i might get a stylus for that, it’d be pretty sweet

Well she used a new tablet sooooo…

My point is that any respectable artist can make it with a mouse, and put out EPIC art.

Cries in can’t use @KwispyKage drawing tablet.