Tobi's Magic Circle Hub


It’s all good! :heart:


(10 characters)

That would be really cool. Would help to visualize progression and would also look dope ah

It’s ok, take your time to rest.

I kinda like to imagine sound magic symbols to have shape like this, they are shape of sound btw

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This reminds me a lot of a project we did in math class which used compasses and such to make circular patterns

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Math is cool. A lot of these circles are the same shapes either rotated or reflected. It’s pretty cool seeing what shapes are created using reflections.

oooh, this is cool!

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thanks :handshake:

These go too hard

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not as hard as this d-

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also Tobi, I think flare magic symbol was base on this

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Hey @tobi how about a lilac and black equinox colour variant. I’m surprised nobody has suggested it yet.

I’m tempted to make a pun but I’m afraid my pun privileges have been revoked.

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maybe a pure white and black equinox circle but with equal amounts of each, maybe shape the color palets like the ying and yang?

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Black n red sacrifice circle when :pray:

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galebreath deepwaken!?!?!

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no no, please share your pun with the whole class… Eric W

No way deepwoken reference :interrobang:

(I just like the color gree representing wind)

Black and red with a gradient? Or solid black and red colors?

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