Tobi's Magic Circle Hub


Awesome! I appreciate it. :raised_hands:

do you think it’s possible he could draw inspiration from this when he makes more lost magics?

i have a feeling now that the AO universe has seen a few oppenheimer situations before but with magic

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Maybe, would be epic for sure.

Seven Seas / War Seas hybrid Equinox Circle


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If Vetex doesn’t make this official then that’s a missed opportunity

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During WoM I was an Ink user, it was very weak, but fun… RIP Ink :fountain_pen:

Rip ink and paper. :saluting_face:

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So is all this official or like what? Because I noticed the Cataclysm one is

not really since none of these are used in game and the lost/ancient magic list was removed, but it’s still very cool

Most of these icons have also been used in game for flags in the dark sea update as well

These symbols and designs are not official; they are my interpretations of magics created in my style. The Cataclysm magic circle I made for Vetex is in my style but is official, which is why I haven’t shared its PNG file.

True, but they are just designs until used otherwise.

za magic man

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i know it’s been a while so sorry if this is presumptive, but are we allowed still to request colour variations of some circles?

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yeah ofc

:mage: bippity boppity