Top 10 characters

did you do his quests while blindfolded dawg :sob: or AT ALL

both of his quests imply some crazy shit hes working towards in the future and by his next quest im assuming we might get to see some of it

brooo his quest was like super boring i didn’t like it at all

Nero is number 11 for Vetex if you didn’t already know


Vetex condones genocide confirmed

okay not the question

im assuming you either cant read or you mash through dialogue like a freak so please dont make any opinions on who is and isnt a “cool character” until you figure that stuff out :pray: thanks

Well he’s not listing which ones would make the best roommates.

“I need some watermelons. Please help me!”

i never said he isn’t cool i just said his quest was boring and that he’d die before really becoming cool

Still favorite though

Enizor telling me to collect progressively more difficult items that can be found really easily

nothing we’ve seen so far points towards this :sob:

yes hes really old but hes shown to be in good health everytime we see him

id understand if it was shown he was dying to something but hes not

And he’s now a mage so he’ll age slower

Enizor is only 68, which in Mage years is like 20% the way through. Plus he’s also basically a magical physician, so he could probably extend that if he wanted to.


excuse me??? are you a magic doctor to know about this now???
I think if vetex adds additional sfx to the game we’d get enizor coughing constantly

Fixed it for you Vetex!

What is bro doing with that snow circle? Useless ahh snow circle

both times ive had an argument with you (including now) youve said the dumbest shit ive heard on this entire website

i cant even tell if what youre saying is legitimately what you think because i cant imagine the hoops your brain needs to jump through to come to these conclusions

nothing shows hes dying therefore hes not

He’s been charging it since last October, the second he releases that spell we are getting another dark sea


Flaunting (complete sentence)