Top 10 guilds in WoM in your opinion?

Arcane Maids because im totally not bias to the guild im in… :fr:


#10. Kingdom of Fire. Leader is friend yes
#9. Church of yelling at dogs. Hehe funni title
#8. Mountain Society. Not one time did I ever see them say anything that wasn’t chill
#7. Pandemonium. I like their guild but I don’t think they like me.
#6. Roselight. Chill af
#5. Salvatore. Even Chiller
#4. Suncry. Majority is chill. And conveniently I rarely talk to the ones that piss me off.
#3. Azure Sorcery. Yes.
#2. Noble. Everyone in there is big brain yes.
#1. Creed. I don’t think I need an explanation. They have the two best pvpers in the game as the owners. What more needs to be said?

#1 or 2 Pandemonium
Alr but without self bias tho it would probably be 2 even if i wasn’t it it

  1. Salvatore they just have a lot of good people
  2. Suncry same thing as Salvatore but I don’t know as many
  3. Mirage they got some good PvPers
  4. Probably Armada/Fleet even tho they’re disbanded
  5. Aviation they got a lot of cool people pretty much Fleet but with a different master and paper planes
  6. Roselight I like 1v1ing their members even tho more than half of them are dead
  7. Naval the supreme KoF where you can actually fight em before they log
  8. Helios because I’m running outta guilds but they got a few nice people
  9. Spearbreak good leader but too many idiots making it look bad

What idiots make em look bad?

Tomi and Sparky really they be acting up for no reason in Guild Hub

Oh them :deadmoment: I can agree 100% xd

  1. Kingdom Of Fire (personal bias :niceman:)
  2. Naval (also personal bias)
  3. Suncry, they pretty chill, some toxic assholes though.
  4. Salvatore, I dont know many salvatore but from my views they cool
    5, Aviation, pretty cool guild. chill people fun to play with and spar.
  5. Roselight, chill guild. kinda dead though.
  6. Spearbreak, they kinda inactive atm but leader epic
  7. Pande, we have our on and offs. but otherwise they cool.

wack you put me on there now I gotta edit my list and add Naval because they’re KoF that doesn’t log as often

Wanted to be more fair so I listed guilds in two categories:

  1. Creed, They have the top players in WoM, and with the help of others, they could dominate.
  2. SunCry, total bias, but also that damn infamy board and the amount of players for gankin
  3. Acquire, To be able to get 5,000 infamy most of the time with 6 players is pretty cool.
  4. Azure Society, for now they have the Creed members but after they leave then it’ll be not stonks.
  5. Noble, Now I have heard they are good but I have literally never seen them in game.
    6.Helios, no explanation
    7.Black Bulls, Again, haven’t seen them, but they are in third so they gotta be good.
  6. The ######### Guardians, no explanation
    9.Salvatore Mortale, no explanation
  7. Pandemonium, no explanation

Generally being nice
  1. I’m kidding there is no two categories I don’t know being nice.

  2. SunCry, Eclipse Legion


Stop calling us dead we’re just napping :C

Pandemonium has already stomped Black Bulls move us up

Actually ima just put guild PvP in my own list
#1 Creed (Visan and Orion and other elites)
#2 Suncry (Devi and more elite PvPers)
#3 Noble if they revive (also elite but dead)
#4 Mirage (good enough for Visan to want them in Creed)
#5 Helios (This could go either way Helios or Salvatore but Jaxxzy didn’t accept their 3v3 so Idk for sure)
#6 Salvatore or Pandemonium but ima let Salv have that
#7 Pandemonium (any guild above us we’re slightly equal to except Creed/Suncry/maybe Noble too)
#8 Acquire (pretty good PvPers but reset too much meaning they get folded a lot)
#9 Azure (not much info)
#10 Roselight (again not much info since I’ve only 1v1ed 3 of em)

3 is half of our infamy farmers so :>

lol really?

ye lol, only 6 of us actually farm

… yeahhhh

Well this didn’t age well.

It aged well


AND NOT ME??? :frcryin: