Total Game Revamp Details


Also I like this much like much good will support and hope it revives the game

well obviously, im just saying Vetex mentioned it would take 2-3 months. In MY opinion i think it’ll be here like early next year in spring

what about ‘‘naked’’ dont you understand?


2- 3 months at best, can’t see him going over that

The peace keeper has that now.

I see at the very least 4 months :fr:

no, it was my own original brain image, also stop posting naked/near naked guys ;-;

I actually run 100 fps constantly with core i5 and RTX 2080, but fuck moving npc >:c

what about cartoon naked people
Last one I promise

imma say this…i run 60 fps graphics 4 with an intel core i3

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makes sense now

lmao, pretty sad huh

I usually have around 280-300, but when someone attacks a town and causes a threat my fps drops to like 30 :frcryin:

actually i might run 100 fps with an i3

I have an AMD Ryzen 9 3950X sooooo

flex lmao, ;_;


:vulcan_salute: :frcryin: :moneybag: