Total Game Revamp Details

I feel like if the revamp update is gonna take long they should add small things from time to time like coooking,potions,npc friendship so players can still have something to do whilst they wait

If I see one more complaint about flight spells being gone :fr:

yES get ready

buhu flight gone (cry cry cry)

Note I cant really judge before I have played the game without flight :wink:

You make me very sad :nod:

Wait, ships and water sailing huh?
That means ghost ships and Pirate Boss Fights will be here aswell?
and if we’re talking about boats, can we PLEASE have stuff that weren’t already in AA such as steamboats? would be awesome.
P.S. So long, Magius!

we need a massive ship that’s for guilds or just a huge ship overall

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Mon-o-war :flushed:

Water & Ships are back
also vetex, guns pls?

No, no guns. Never. Also, give Morock’s Sword :sunglasses:

All of this is amazing. My only pet peeve are the npc changes. I understand it for the fps, but they’ll be soul-less now.

battleships intensifies

bruh there better be cannons on the ships for naval battles- XD

why not tho?

Well, dang, guess me and Map are gonna have to wait and soft reset his animated series :skull:

I feel like a update which will be cool is a in-game tournament update Where someone host a tournament in a server when enough players enter they will be transported to a server where they will fight each other for a prize

Now this is epic, I think you just made me feel excited like it’s a whole new game coming up!

Fr though, it feels like it’s going to be entirely new and the hype is real. But I’m doing my best to keep the hype low so we dont get our hopes up for things.

IronClad :exploding_head:

First Post to reach 1k Replies? :nod: