Totally Accurate Arcane: Magic Rizz

That can be on the way. :handshake:

good compromise

Tobiemoji_noprob We solve problems here. Not create them.

how about trade them?

Now we talkin :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Who said magically oriented?

Arcane means something secretive or mysterious, not necessarily magic

You are a conjurer using ice magic with sunken sword. You are the definition of a normie(yes I’m making you feel bad cope)

ur mom fat haha

Average user when they don’t have an argument against valid points

Toys – Obvious Plant

This is just getting lazy now. Clearly you don’t understand how many people are running ice sunken conjurer. I know of at least 3 people who are going to run it

but are they gonna run ice primal swipe :face_with_monocle:


Only the finest gentlemen will run primal swipe infused with ice :face_with_monocle: :ice_magic_var2: :point_up_2:

this is the worst thing ive ever seen. Great work lol

Greatest complement I could get. :relaxed:

i’ve seen the word “Rizz” for days now and still have no idea what it is

edit: oh.

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I have the perfect video for you: The Power of Rizz - YouTube

He’s immortal :fearful:

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Rizzard_Tobi Immortal Rizz

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