Totally Accurate Arcane: Neviro's Revenge

Neviro_emoji Just like Calvus

Tobiemoji_devious Heh

Glad you liked this one, more are on the way. Eventually. Tobiemoji_allah

Eric W Yes I did.

Neviro_emoji Neviro: “I won’t”

I am genuinely curious about what Vet and Tech have in store for Revon. I’m sure he’s not a throwaway character, so we’ll def see him again. Maybe he becomes and ally?

Tobi_buff Aw but he’s so cute. He’s just a little devious.


he is cute, I must agree

but he also looks like he’s planning to hurt me :cold_sweat:

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Yeah, the white skin made it difficult to see his beard. My intention was to make Neviro appear more mature and convey the impression that time had passed.

My initial plan was for him to be irritable and refuse to comply by saying “no” instead of “sure”, with Neviro proceeding despite the objection. However, I decided to opt for more emotional damage.

Neviro_emoji Bro really thought Neviro was trying to cheer him up.

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Thank you! :beers:

Honestly I’m gonna start using that emoji more.

Iris the anomaly as a bossfight with 400 HP “I’m gonna send you back to ravenna a pile of ashes!”

The gunpowder barrel next to her:

She’ll never see it coming.
Tech devious emoji

Neviro_emoji Yes, LEGO!!!

“A dubious little creature up to mischief, this is no good. Augh, the beast is demonic in nature. Very icky, no good.”

Revon is probably the most bullied character in AO rn F for Revon

F for Revon.

Revon’s brother is kinda like spider man

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You used reference from dis, didn’t you?

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I haven’t seen this clip before, and I haven’t watched much of Gumball. So, no.

I actually can’t remember where I got the idea from, but I did get it from somewhere. I’ve had this comic idea on my back burner for a while, so I’ve forgotten where I got the initial inspiration from.


The pain.