Trading 5 sunken swords

on monday

I don’t live in the US :person_shrugging:

That sucks, but I am lucky enough to be in the path of the eclipse. It is a total eclipse too, which is even more lucky

I’ve also seen eclipses a few times… we should stop derailing this topic though…

Ye lol! I am broke in arcane odyssey

I used to have 40k, but I spent it all. Anyway, Ima hop off the forum and play roblox, nice meeting

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Why the fuck are you people talking about Pakistan and india in marketplace

Idk… anyways we’ve stopped now :person_shrugging:

Kinda like we just had a nice history lesson courtesy of Arpeeguy and Junior lol

I’ll do 3 acrimonies and I’ll add 20k galleons

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