Trading for a sunken sword

Ive got the full mino item pool the full exiled item pool -minus the sheild and ive got 2000 crowns

all i want is a sunken sword

wdym by pool?

everything it drops

…its a loot pool?? do you not know what a loot pool is?

Yeah cause never heard of it, the trade could be good but idk, like its pretty rare to find a trader trade a sunken sword


see if he has a sunken you could trade for Yes this is a boss drop shop (200+ RARES)

I literally made an offer like that, but only got a Clean Sunken Helmet…


I am feeling good about that trade tho.

ill get one someday

gl trading

the exiled and mino armour sets arent worth a lot if theyre clean ( or especially with a bad enchant) so that leaves an axe + an oath for a sunken sword which just isnt worth a sunken sword.

Id suggest to go for good enchant boss gear if you want a sunken sword. Try to get hard exiled gear, strong oaths, heavy wojs, strong axes and/or strong mino gear. Those are by far the most valuable boss gear enchants and can get you a trade more easily than just cleans.

Lmao sorry for the paragraph

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