Trading sunkens for sunken sword

Screenshot 2023-02-06 170304

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r u offering all of these?

yes but not all of it for just 1 sword

then what pieces u gonna give for ss

im not sure which ones its worth i thought people would tell me which ones they want me to give

ppl want all

@J9VR are u here

most people will want an overpay so if youre not saying what you will offer then they will just want all. Ofc people who do fair trades do exist but currently youre making it really easy to ask for an overpay


like today ppl wanted 3 sunken sets for their ss, they rly tried to scam me xD

Clown emoji

Bruh :sob:

ok im offering 1 sunken set for 1 sword with any enchant is that good?

I can offer is a swift sunken sword a good offer?

ok for the set?

yes good?

ok friend me but can u add seasonal like 2

ok @J9VR


im on world of magic