Trading hard sunken leggings

So full clean Sunken armor for my hard sunken helmet is an Even Offer but this is a huge overpay? Your not making any sense

No bruh. Read it again. I said what you want is an overpay

really depends on if he wants a sword with it and what adds he wants
no swords and boss drop adds = fair
with ss + bad enchant sunken adds = huge overpay

The thing is is that its not. Im not asking for a sunken sword and YOU said that a full clean set for my hard sunken helmet was a FAIR trade last week but for an item worth more than a hard sunken helmet isnt? AND you literally OFFERED a full clean set for my helmet when i still had it lmfao

I was wrong lmao. Also I said 3 sunkens :fr: also I didn’t say you asked for a sunken sword. That was someone else



I offer clean set of sunken yes

yeah didn’t I say I was wrong? That would’ve been overpay so no thanks.

ok so what’s going on here

Plus you wanted ADDS. That’s a huge overpay. That’s more or less what I was pointing out.

im tryna prove him wrong

so far you’re just delusional

with what though?

how though

this man told me something worth less than my leggings is worth full clean sunken but the leggings arent

yeah I was wrong? Bro I’ve said that 3 times now

you want a full clean sunken armor set + adds (boss drops minimum) for hard sunken boots.

that sounds like huge overpay to me; and you’re saying it’s fair?

Yeah ik im just trying to explain to him what happened

How are you trying to prove me wrong then? So confusing.

Let me correct myself, i WAS trying to

prove me wrong in what topic though? Can’t prove me wrong if I already said I was wrong