Trading Headless Head

U know wut u did wrong :rage:

Ye they don’t cuz max rn is 5 mil

Yeah but people can get things that are worth that many galleons


2 trillion candelaria :nod:

“nah” says mr 399,970 acrimony

Three Sets of all 2024 Halloween Seasonals.

I suggest u just keep ur headless as its the most valuable item in the game and u might regret trading it in the future

Lol cuz only I can achieve this level of wealth :money_mouth_face:

ok john dupe founder of duping

100 halloween seasonals from 2020, ill make a list of which ones exactly later (if i dont forget :sob:)

I remember it’s worth around 10m galleon

don’t you have like 57 of those bro stop being greedy smh

No we gotta concentrate every headless in one guy and then permaban him to finally get rid of them once and for all

I offer 1 interchange gel :st3:

can you give me head

yo can nuclearman die lmao

@TheEvilReeve I see you but Im not seeing a yes

You a watermelon bro :sob:

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