Trading lots of boss drops (for fish bait or sunken) and trading sunken items (got about 10) for headless offers

Trading lots of boss drops (for fish bait or sunken) and trading sunken items (got about 10) for headless offers
convenience 0.0 0 fairness 0.0 0 trustworthiness 0.0 0

negotiation skills amazin


literally, almost ever server is 80% full of people who are 30+ gen

true that they don’t know anything about values, but usually they suck too much to even get the drops. definitely not impossible though, i’ve seen it a few times before.

Bro u cant be like this :skull:

Oh btw @milkman this topic was originally a #marketplace post which means that it will still expire even if you make a #marketplace:shops post. Youre better off making a new shop

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