Trading seasonals/boss drops/ scrolls and more

mr seasoned trader is incapable of grasping the basic rules of supply and demand. the average supply for halloweds is constant/decreasing due to it being linked only to WOM players who seem to be dropping in numbers by the day while the sunken boots will only increase in supply thanks to the item never going away being a constant 1/8k. the demand is heavily affected by the supply in most games which seems to be the case here aswell.

low supply > high demand > high value (normal case)

but since the game seems to be dry at the moment the playerbase is minimal which presents a new variable to the equation that makes it impossible to determine the value which is why most of u use a constant value spreadsheet that won’t change despite the changes in supply (dumb)

am i losing value rn ? according to your spreadsheet maybe. but iam winning in the long term game so i don’t really care (if u remember we had a similar conversation before AO released regarding the value of sunken items and u were heavily in favor of the sunkens. look where that went)

Sunkens are worth more than seasonals though? You’re plain delusional :skull:

nah thats also not true, trading high tier seasonals for halloweds is a shit idea, when it comes to halloween seasonals quantity > quality for the most part

I’m willing to bet you’ve lost somewhere between 200k and 500k worth of value

headless :

except for that

well then i suppose iam a stubborn idiot that refuses to go by the norms of trading. sorry for the disappointment

part of the reason the value hasn’t changed is because the supply isn’t really that much less from where it was, trying to buy seasonals is a pretty easy task that doesn’t really require a price markup in order to buy one

Can u offer 3 seasonals of ur choice (not eggs) per how many ever of my halloweds u wanna buy?

ey man just cause i said i would want 3 doesn’t mean iam willing to pay 3 :sleeper:

3 of ur choice + I give adds?

depends on the adds

Would an arcsphere do?

i mean i guess under normal cirumstances i would accept that but i will play it safe for now. ty for ur offer

I can add a vindicator as well

i have plenty of those so i will still pass

How about a strong scroll?

tempting offer however i will still pass since

How about 2 strong scrolls?

you are making it hard to say no :sleeper:

How abt 999 strong scrolls?

add suke suke no mi and u got a deal…