Trying to find this lost Revon image

I’m trying to find this lost shitpost of Prince Revon. The link to the image broke, pretty much deleting it.

From what I remember the image depicted a ridiculous-ass, extremely buffed version of Revon’s boss fight. The area around Revon was surrounded by fire and he had a ludicrous amount of health…I think like around 45,000 health??? He might have had a different title on his boss bar too.

This image has been living rent-free in my head for a while, and I feel genuinely disappointed that the link broke. If anyone has downloaded it, please post it here.

here ya go
spent 20 minutes searching the forums :>


Revon when he comes back with Promethean Cheese curse

this is what i posted
spin attack

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Revon no! It isn’t called spin attack anymore you will become broken again and be unable to attack! This is literally what went wrong last time!

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