Typ0 horror game thread and stuff

there should be a gimmick where you can yell for other players to find you (assuming you have to be near other players to see what they chat) and then a monster that makes those noises to trick players into walking right into a monster lmfao

literally what the angel does lmao

it makes all kinds of sounds

even copies setting up trap sounds and stuff

check out the list of monsters here

for the ones unfinished just ask me questions and I’ll explain their gimmick

hmm we need gamemode ideas @GlitchingEclipse

How about a gamemode where you do all bosses one after another?

Screenshot 2022-11-05 11.53.26 PM

divide the player’s health by 10 and the monster’s damage by 10.

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Added the description for batteries

nopey nope nopes


it would be the same just different look



also what are these…?

easter eggs

oh okay

i have another scary one…

The twitter user.

chases you around, slowly killing you as it boasts about its pronouns, mentions 150 times a minute how it’s vegan, and calls you a transphobe (as well as other things but i can’t remember more stereotypes)


Look I really appreciate I but…

there’s something we have called “limits”…

monsters can’t go past that limit in terms of being scary.

this, by context of the message…

has passed said limit 50 times over.

i know, it’s truly horrifying, far too bad for a roblox game, but i thought it was worth the thought

simply too disturbed and wretched to be put in my game :pensive:

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