Typ0’s inescapable purgatory of doodles (every time this gets bumped I made new art)

my only reference is a goofy ass roblox character help

use dis.

(not my art)



very bad.

u will die.

this is why i stick to music

u make musak?

uh not yet but i play piano

kool :+1:

I cannot play instrument :frowning:

im learning theory right now though so i guess people see some potential in me :skull:

I am learning bodies in art

I don’t think people see potential in me :frcryin:

but I am try my best and you sound like you are very good at piano

im trying to draw this rn and for the life of me i cant even recreate my own roblox avatar well :frpensive:

what are u doing I can give adivce


like how are u draiwng it

uhhh probably not the right way but ima just stop now because im not getting anywhere

bro idk how ive been taking art and piano almost the same amount of time yet im disproprotionately better at piano? i guess because the school doesnt teach you jack shit about drawing humanoids

I am the opposite.

I sucked at violin

but I was so good at art that I feel like at times I made the art teacher break


i really wish i could draw things but i guess my talent just lies in music idk

watch as some guy gonna come in and say β€œI am average at both :nerd_face:”

I am suck at both :sunglasses: