Typ0's disastrous cooking (art thread)

Should’ve realized the first millisecond

unrelated but you should try out pokemon uranium

it’s a cool fangame

why not undertale yellow!!


pokemon uranium is fun too

(it’s definitely harder but still really good)

(and longer iirc, since undertale yellow is like, a linear story without much side content)

yay gabba art!

Oh and I guess there’s the alien chick and the weird british guy but who cares smh


Stocksounds jumpscare


we can now officially grab things



try finger but hole

what…? :sweat:

i think he meant this: :ok_hand: (ok hand)

no, i believe its a notebook joke

Found the Elden Ring player.

(on second thought I actually don’t think this is appropriate to share on the forums lol)

You’re not beating the furry allegations.

My style is ridicdicdicdicdicdiculous :toilet:

“Don’t worry guys it’s bait”

No this is genuinely like a character I’m putting effort into

no idea what to name them tho…

(they’re probably non-canon dw y’all :heart:)

Hence the quotation marks

Oh yeah also you are totally in denial about being a furry

I don’t have a fursona tho
