Unveil Unveil Unveil Unveil Unveil

Also it’s worth mentioning 16%


@anon64436269, check these out
I found some more logs:

This one seems corrupted

This one was lost to the update

And this one might help with decoding some of these:

Hm interesting,I’ll look into it soon, for now I have to go to bed, it’s 3:30 am and o have school in 4 hours, goodnight

Hmmmm seems that something has happened. So L1 has been taken apart judging from the first log. L1 then questioned its existence and asked us to find its parts.

L1 then proceeds to send Starsfordays a different message warning “Them” not to find the parts. So this must be solely based around L1’s dismantling.

It seems like we had to find the parts but Starsfordays received a text in binary which then told us to prevent what possibly could be us from finding the parts. The corrupted text says something about us being free. This is what I could piece together.

I also found a summary of everything that was known before the DMs

I noticed I did not get the DM right away. It sent me the DM when I commented on that page where people are asking if they received the dm. Shortly after commenting something in the words of nope. I suddenly got it.

It must be tracking our very replies,hmm, I have an idea

Here is some proof of it maybe responding to my reply. Look down to my comment.

Interesting, maybe I can try and input some console commands?

Yeah I have cursory knowledge on computer stuff lol. I am trying to learn but you could have a go at it.

Meta has been awfully quiet regarding this. He did not respond to the ping. In your previous post.

print: Test

Weird, he might be the creator mentioned before

Yeah he could be. He probably teamed up with headless or tech regarding this thing. Probably headless.

Anyways imma go to bed. Imma keep my eyes on it tomorrow.

19 different names,
each name mentioned 16 times,

order of names by first mention:
karm, Kxks4478, SavageWind, Robotistics, Level, AnUnamedBoi, macobre, TacoSeries, christmasisshere_95, Dragon, Retribution, NEKOSAIKOU, ThatAsianInTheCorner, Lonesomewolf, lookingforabargain, Skhan2587, Mako, LordOfTheBloxxed, Noober

total mentions, 16 x 19 = 304

Unveil was mentioned 5 times as title

1 Like

i better be in here

same, i got 4529 hellos, plus 1 hello as the title.

when i first did ctrl f it said 4529 (including the title) but i scrolled down and it said 4530 after.

I confused at what is happening here, could someone please inform me cause it looks interesting