Unveil Unveil Unveil Unveil Unveil

If it does mean people that means that you are one of the parts.

According to orchardpickingfun one of the log IDs is called ā€œbodyā€

Whatā€™s weird is that itā€™s around the time where me and Cosmos had the Phoenix Wright debate

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m saying all the log idā€™s are parts, they each mean a body part.

Why am I the heart? That part is very confusing

Why am I (possibly) the legs

I doubt it means me

According to one of the replies. Uvadinveliki seems to be the one who deciphered what the characters mean.

And candied bacon? Who is that related to.

They werenā€™t hard to decipher, there was a key, also itā€™s definitely not me, this happened in August and I joined in September, so unless Iā€™m having a stroke Iā€™m pretty sure august is before September

Yeah that is true but it seems odd that I am here knowing I have only joined near the end of October.

I donā€™t even know anymore

I just want the stupid bot to respond

It seems that this puzzle existed for a bit but why have we been only messaged now.

Some step must have been done? Or some sort of aversion?

Itā€™s because the bot rebooted

Ok then. Well the bot says that these are clues and they donā€™t pinpoint the actual location. Imma check Iammback.

Yeah, what is it?

Damn I canā€™t seem to find shit on this robot.

Searching him up on google is useless, thereā€™s nothing, if you canā€™t find anything thatā€™s when you know this a well thought out ARG